富甲天下W, developed by T-Time Technology CO., LTD., published by T-Time Technology CO., LTD.. This game have is RPG, Strategy category. ★富甲天下製作團隊全新推出多人連線三國大富翁! ★等待時間好忙碌!沒參戰也能向對手施放錦囊!! ★搜集卡牌升級武將建築和錦囊,升級成功直接參戰 ★新增任務及成就系統,建築圖及錦囊功能大翻新! ★敵方主公思考時間,我方同步進入寶箱開啟倒數模 式,武將、建築、錦囊、士兵銀兩通通刷起來!
富甲天下W Trainer Details
PC Game Trainer have +4 functions (works for all version)(it will be updated soon)
There are currently only 4 features.
F1 Key = Auto skills,
F2 Key = Enemy Finder,
F3 Key = Auto skill update
Unrar archive and run the trainer. Close Windows Defender, you can see the virus total result at this link.